I am a mother to four children and two bonus children. Four rowdy boys and two beautiful girls. I am a wife to an amazing and supportive husband who stands behind all of my goals and supports me in accomplishing those. I started a cleaning company two years ago in preparation to work that as a side job when I pursued my dream of being a firefighter. It also allowed me the flexibility in my chaotic schedule with the kids and keeping up with their dreams and goals. When I realized being a firefighter wasn't God's plan for me,he gave me the idea for Fire Angels. God gave me the most giving heart. My happiness can never be met with money but can in giving. It brings so much joy to my heart when I am able to help someone in need because I feel the power of God behind it. Some people would call me crazy for even considering starting a non profit right now. I like to make things happen and when I have a goal, I do everything I can to reach it. The sky's my limit. This would not have been possible without the incredible team that I have standing beside me showing nothing but love and support. My goal in this is to make sure that no one feels alone in this tragic time of need and making sure they have what they need without feeling like they have to ask for the hand out. We will just show up. I want my kids to be proud of me and I want them to be involved in giving so they know what a blessing it is to be able to help those around them in need.
Meet Brittany